At-Home Care for Dready Waves
Do Not Brush, or comb.
The first few days after braiding do not attempt high wearing hairstyles, This can cause irritation to your scalp.
To keep curls as long as possible, separate strands from each other every 2-3 days, this is necessary for the natural formation of curly dreadlocks.
If a curl is caught in the neighboring curl and it is impossible to separate it by hand, carefully trim this bridge between them with scissors.
We recommended a loose braid under a sleeping cap to avoid knots and excess matting.
Dreadlocks can be washed by hand with shampoo. We personally recommend something that will treat both your hair and scalp. For Example: CBD Peppermint oil rose water apple cider vinegar & other natural ingredients are always a great choice!
The dreadlocks themselves will not hold water, you can ring them out after washing and wrap in a towel to help absorb whatever water is held in your natural hair.